
11. March 2025 - 11. March 2025

HRD Data Blitz Session

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02. April 2025 - 03. April 2025

Introduction To Diabetes Seminar

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Our Mission

The International Helmholtz Research School for Diabetes is at the center of cutting-edge scientific research at the Helmholtz Diabetes Center and its partner institution, the Alberta Diabetes Institute. Doctoral researchers engage in international and innovative research projects that enable new approaches encompassing molecular research and translational application. Read more...

Summer Internship Program in Diabetes at the Helmholtz Munich

A student-tailored internship program with a focus on diabetes that will enrich your practical and professional experience

Do you have passion for diabetes research, curiosity and a desire to expand your career opportunities?

Our summer internship program (SIP) at the Helmholtz Diabetes Center (HDC) at Helmholtz Munich provides a unique opportunity to pursue top-notch research in diabetes! You will work side-by-side with talented and dedicated researchers from the HDC. You will be integrated in an international team that is engaged in translational discoveries while growing both personally and professionally in this stimulating environment. Read more

Intern positions are limited and admission to the SIP is competitive. 

Application call 2025: Closed!

Summer Internship Program 2024 Video

Meet past participants

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Summer Internship Program 2023 Video

Meet past participants

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3MT® Competition

On 11th February, 2025, we will host our 3rd HRD 3MT® Competition. It is a great chance for our doctoral researchers to present their thesis and…


Apply for the HRD Clinical Visit in Heidelberg until Thursday, March 14

The HRD team is pleased to announce that eight doctoral researchers will have the opportunity to visit the Heidelberg University Hospital and gain…


Open Call: Summer Internship Positions Now Available

Apply now for your summer internship in diabetes research.


HRD Best Thesis Award: The winner has been selected

Johanna has won the HRD Best Thesis Award 2023 and the prize of 3000€!


HRD Introduction to Diabetes Research 2024

It's a wrap! Two days of science, networking..

International Helmholtz Research School for Diabetes


Why you want to join!

  • Excellent scientific training and state-of-the-art technology platforms at the Helmholtz Diabetes Center and the Alberta Diabetes Institute - two of the world’s leading institutions in Diabetes research
  • Innovative projects linking our understanding of mechanisms underlying diabetes to the development of new approaches in prevention, diagnosis and treatment
  • International research groups and research exchanges between the two centers
  • Scientific networking at international conferences and within the great community of diabetes researchers
  • Translational training - from bench to bedside
  • Interactive guidance and a clear mentoring structure
  • Individual career development and support
  • Professional training in management, leadership and communication
  • Employment contracts from the Helmholtz Zentrum München and a doctorate from either the Technical University Munich, the Ludwig-Maximilians-University or the University of Alberta

... and last but not least: Munich and Edmonton, beautiful cities to live in!



Watch our video

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