Professional Skills Training

In addtion to courses offered by the International Helmholtz Research School for Diabetes at the Helmholtz Diabetes Center and the Alberta Diabetes Institute, doctoral researchers can profit from the courses offered by HELENA graduate school, TUM graduate school, LMU graduate schoolHelmholtz Munich and the Helmholtz Association. They cover topics ranging from scientific writing, grant applications, communication and presentation skills, project management and many more. These courses are critical components for becoming a successful scientists.

Project Management Experience

Doctoral researchers can translate their theoretical knowledge from courses offered by HELENA into practical experiences by organizing elements of the International Helmholtz Research School for Diabetes, such as career days, retreats and social events.


Training in entrepreneurship and patent rights will be available for doctoral researchers at the Helmholtz Diabetes Center and will foster entrepreneurial thinking to transform ideas into projects. At the University of Alberta, the entrepreneurship centre eHUB offers a vibrant entrepreneurial community to its members.