Management Board
The research school's management board decides on all organisational affairs that are related to the structure, academic activities, and curriculum of the International Helmholtz Research School for Diabetes. In addition, it approves the selection of candidates that are funded by the HRD.
The management board consists of the two spokespersons, the HELENA director, the coordinators and doctoral researcher representatives from HDC and ADI, respectively, and one additional scientist each:

Prof. Dr. Carolin Daniel
Head of Research Unit Type 1 Diabetes Immunology (TDI)
Helmholtz Diabetes Center

Dr. Peter Senior
Director, Alberta Diabetes Institute
Charles A Allard Chair in Diabetes Research
Professor of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism
Scientist Representatives

Prof. Paul Pfluger
Institute for Diabetes and Obesity
Helmholtz Diabetes Center
Doctoral Researcher Representatives

Patricia Velado
Institute of Translational Stem Cell Research (ITS)
Helmholtz Diabetes Center

Sandra Dirschl
Type 1 Diabetes Immunology (TDI)
Helmholtz Diabetes Center

Dr. Kalina Draganova
HRD Coordinator

Dr. Monika Beer
HELENA Director

Dr. Vincent Rogers
ADI Coordinator