Student visit open events
Please join the Alberta Diabetes Institute for a series of joint seminars and lectures held during May 12–19. The following joint seminars and lectures held in the Obrowosky Degner Seminar Hall (LKS 1-040) during the week are open to all PIs and trainees:
Monday May 14, 1000 – 1600h: STUDENT FORUM
Research presentations (15 minutes each) from German and ADI students
Discussion and wrap up
Lunch provided
Tuesday May 15, 0900 – 0945 LECTURE #1
Progress Towards a Cure in Diabetes through Cellular Transplantation
Andrew Pepper, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow (supervisor James Shapiro)
Wednesday May 16, 0900 – 0945h Lecture #2
Peter Light, Professor of Pharmacology and Director of the Alberta Diabetes Institute
The Photobiology of Fat Cells: From Serendipitous Discovery to Clinical Implication, Fake News and Beyond
Friday May 18, 0900 – 0945h Lecture #3
Procurement and Phenotyping of Huan Islets
Pat MacDonald PhD, Professor of Pharmacology and ADI Member